Poem on Mother in English for Class 6, Class 7, Class 8

Mother is who, who gives birth to a child takes care of him/her whole life but nothing want's in return. Mother is the only family member who works for 24 hours for 7 days without stopping or Sunday rests.
Thereafter we always trying to blame mother for not doing a specific work. We all trying to show off that how much we love our mother but it's not that way because we all put our mother's photo on status of our whats app to show off to others, haha I am sorry to say that most of the people never tell his/her mother to rest for a while or if something goes wrong with her work then all of us will go around her like this😡.

You should not do that because mother is a gem you should always respect her for being so kind to you! Guys from today start loving your mother because everyone in the world show you fake love, but you think that people's love is genuine, haha you are wrong bro/sis. Your friend can be your loved once or you like to spent more time with your friends, Nooo... try to spend more time with your mom who loves you, who misses you, who works for you without any returns. So make your mother happy today!
~by Devinder Sharma

For Hindi Lovers-

माँ वो होती है जो बच्चे को जन्म देती है जीवन भर उसकी देखभाल करती है लेकिन बदले में कुछ नहीं चाहिए। माँ ही परिवार की इकलौती सदस्य है जो बिना रुके या रविवार को आराम किए बिना 7 दिन 24 घंटे काम करती है।
तत्पश्चात हम हमेशा एक विशिष्ट कार्य न करने के लिए माँ को दोष देने का प्रयास करते हैं। हम सभी यह दिखाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं कि हम अपनी माँ से कितना प्यार करते हैं लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है क्योंकि हम सभी अपनी माँ की तस्वीर को अपने व्हाट्सएप के स्टेटस पर दूसरों को दिखाने के लिए लगाते हैं, हाहा मुझे यह कहते हुए खेद है कि ज्यादातर लोग कभी नहीं बताते उसकी माँ को थोड़ी देर आराम करने के लिए या अगर उसके काम में कुछ गलत हो जाता है तो हम सब उसके आस-पास 😡ऐसे ही घूमेंगे।

आपको ऐसा नहीं करना चाहिए क्योंकि माँ एक रत्न है, इसलिए आपको हमेशा उसका सम्मान करना चाहिए कि वह आपके प्रति इतना दयालु है! दोस्तों आज से ही अपनी माँ से प्यार करना शुरू कर दो क्योंकि दुनिया में हर कोई आपको नकली प्यार दिखाता है, लेकिन आपको लगता है कि लोगों का प्यार सच्चा है, हा हा आप गलत हैं भाई/बहन। आपका दोस्त एक बार आपका प्रिय हो सकता है या आप अपने दोस्तों के साथ अधिक समय बिताना पसंद करते हैं, नू... अपनी माँ के साथ अधिक समय बिताने की कोशिश करें जो आपसे प्यार करती है, जो आपको याद करती है, जो बिना किसी रिटर्न के आपके लिए काम करती है। तो आज ही करें अपनी मां को खुश!
~ देविंदर शर्मा

You can download your free PDF of these 5 poems by clicking on the download button below-

Poem 1
So blessed are you, Mother
So a blessing to you, Mother
A mother who always cares,
A mother who is always there.
A mother who always prays.
A permanent mother.
When things get tough,
When life becomes difficult,
When all else fails,
He shares God's Word.
God's light shines.
Blessed be God who made her my mother.

Poem 2
The “M” of the millions of things he gave me,
"O" only means that you are old,
"T" is for my tears,
The word H is for his heart pure gold;
"E" is in his eyes, the light of love shines,
"R" means you are right, and you will always be,

Put them all together, they spell
Mother, "
A word that means the world to me.

Poem 3
When you were a child, you walked in front of me,
To set an example.
When you are young you walk behind you
To be present you need him.

When you are older you walk next to you
So that as two friends you can enjoy life together.

Poem 4
Special Mother
Mom, you've always been so much better
The best mom ever.
Thank you for all you do

I'm glad my mom is so special to you!
On Mother's Day, I want you to know
She’s a great mom, and I love you so much.

There is one more thing I want to say:
I wish you a Happy Mother's Day!

Poetry 5
Everyone has a mother
That is simple and true
But we often forget our mothers
And all the things they do
On Mother's Day take some time
Thank him for all he has done
Food and clothing and school rides
And drive to places where you are happy
Like zoos and parks and playgrounds
And in the dentist's office, too
It may not be such a fun time
But mom always knows what is best for you

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